- (Italiano) QUASAR™ Respiratory Motion Phantom (pRESP)
- (Italiano) Supporti per fantocci
- Hoffman 2D Brain
- Hoffman 2D Multi-Compartment
- Hoffman 3D Brain
- Flanged Jaszczak
- Flangeless Jaszczak
- Elliptical Jaszczak
- Elliptical Lung-Spine Body
- Anthropomorphic Torso
- Fillable Breast
- Cardiac Insert
- Capillary Line Fixture
- Hot Spot Insert
- Hollow Sphere 60 mm™
- Hollow Sphere Set (6)™
- Micro Hollow Sphere Set (4)™
- Nema Spect Triple Line Source
- Solid Breast Accessory Sets
- Spherical Shells
- Triple Line Insert
- NEMA PET Scatter
- (Italiano) Alderson Radiation Therapy (ART) Phantom
- (Italiano) QUASAR™ MLC Beam Geometry Phantom
- (Italiano) QUASAR™ Penta-Guide Tilt Plate
- (Italiano) QUASAR™ Winston-Lutz Wand Phantom
- (Italiano) QUASAR™ Multi-Purpose Body Phantom
- (Italiano) QUASAR™ Respiratory Motion Platform
- (Italiano) QUASAR™ GRID³ᴰ Image Distortion Analysis System
- (Italiano) QUASAR™ Penta-Guide Phantom
- (Italiano) QUASAR™ MRID³ᴰ Geometric Distortion Analysis System
- (Italiano) QUASAR™ MRI⁴ᴰ Motion Phantom
- (Italiano) QUASAR™ IsoCenter Cube Phantom
- (Italiano) QUASAR™ MRgRT Insight Phantom
- (Italiano) QUASAR™ Heavy Duty Respiratory Motion Platform
- (Italiano) Fantoccio per la verifica dei trattamenti SRS
Fillable Breast
Main Features
Designed to simulate breast activity, and attenuation.
Represents female patient in prone position.
Supplied with two fillable spheres to simulate breast lesions* with one straight and one inflected rod support.
Can be attached to the Anthropomorphic Torso Phantomä (Model ECT/TOR/P).
Main Applications
Planar scintimammography.
Emission tomography (SPECT and PET) research.
Protocol development and evaluation.
New imaging system development and evaluation.
Evaluate breast attenuation and scatter on lesion detection.
Assist in image interpretation and training.