- (Italiano) QUASAR™ Respiratory Motion Phantom (pRESP)
- (Italiano) Supporti per fantocci
- Hoffman 2D Brain
- Hoffman 2D Multi-Compartment
- Hoffman 3D Brain
- Flanged Jaszczak
- Flangeless Jaszczak
- Elliptical Jaszczak
- Elliptical Lung-Spine Body
- Anthropomorphic Torso
- Fillable Breast
- Cardiac Insert
- Capillary Line Fixture
- Hot Spot Insert
- Hollow Sphere 60 mm™
- Hollow Sphere Set (6)™
- Micro Hollow Sphere Set (4)™
- Nema Spect Triple Line Source
- Solid Breast Accessory Sets
- Spherical Shells
- Triple Line Insert
- NEMA PET Scatter
- (Italiano) Alderson Radiation Therapy (ART) Phantom
- (Italiano) QUASAR™ MLC Beam Geometry Phantom
- (Italiano) QUASAR™ Penta-Guide Tilt Plate
- (Italiano) QUASAR™ Winston-Lutz Wand Phantom
- (Italiano) QUASAR™ Multi-Purpose Body Phantom
- (Italiano) QUASAR™ Respiratory Motion Platform
- (Italiano) QUASAR™ GRID³ᴰ Image Distortion Analysis System
- (Italiano) QUASAR™ Penta-Guide Phantom
- (Italiano) QUASAR™ MRID³ᴰ Geometric Distortion Analysis System
- (Italiano) QUASAR™ MRI⁴ᴰ Motion Phantom
- (Italiano) QUASAR™ IsoCenter Cube Phantom
- (Italiano) QUASAR™ MRgRT Insight Phantom
- (Italiano) QUASAR™ Heavy Duty Respiratory Motion Platform
- (Italiano) Fantoccio per la verifica dei trattamenti SRS
Anthropomorphic Torso
Main Features
Includes large, body-shaped cylinder lung, liver and spine inserts.
Lung inserts can be filled with Styrofoam® beads and water to simulate lung tissue density.
Optional Cardiac Insert™ (Model ECT/CAR/I) may be purchased separately.
Simulates upper torso of average to large male/female patients (38 x 26 cm).
Simulates anatomical structures and radioactivity distributions.
Optional Fillable Spine Insert available.
Main Applications
Evaluation of cardiac ECT data acquisition and reconstruction methods.
Evaluation of non-uniform attenuation and scatter compensation methods.